13 Apr Code to arrive well: Looking for UX-navigators in Hamburg to help us guide newcomers through procedures and practices
Few routes through the city are as difficult to navigate as the ways through the convolutions of administrative procedures and practices of everyday life, especially in a foreign environment and language. Access to correct and understandable information is a key factor for successful arrival and settling for newly arrived migrants of all backgrounds.
Within the MICADO-project, we developed a smartphone web-application in co-creative processes to assist newcomers in the first weeks and months upon their arrival. The app aims to facilitate navigating through the complexities of everyday life by providing intuitive guidance on a smartphone screen.
Currently we are at the final piloting phase of the prototype and in exchange with local and regional authorities who are interested in using the software in future. Therefore, we are looking for coders with UX-design-experience to check out the application and help us to achieve an intuitive design, so that a heterogeneous group of newcomers can and will use our app with ease. The focus will be on the front-end design, not the coding.
Please bring your own smartphone or laptop and enthusiasm! We provide drinks, food (Syrian vegan) and many questions!
If you are interested, please send a short message to micado@hcu-hamburg.de by the 27th of April.
Date and time: 29. 04. 2022 14:00-18:00
Location: Amargi, Fabrique im Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp 28a, 20355 Hamburg
Cost: free
Contact: Marie Malchow, micado@hcu-hamburg.de, +49 (0) 40 42827 – 5214