17 Nov Test-runs in MICADO pilot cities
The MICADO consortium decided in summer to conduct a first test-run with the three MICADO target groups a) public authorities, b) civil society organisations (associations, initiatives) and c) migrants and refugees. While the target groups are continuously informed about the progress of MICADO in annual LESC meetings and are also regularly involved in decision making processes (e.g. on the local language versions), there is often no time to take a detailed look at the MICADO applications themselves. Therefore, the test-runs are dedicated to enabling the target groups to take a first look at the MICADO applications, to get an overview of the functionalities and to test them.
The test-run is part of the technical development phase and an addition to the planned pilot activities of the upcoming year. Nevertheless, involving the target groups even now is crucial for the agile software development approach, allowing the tech team to improve MICADO according to the target groups’ needs.
Some of the MICADO cities already completed their test-runs and collected very valuable information about which functionalities are already easy to understand, but also about necessary improvements. At this point, we would like to thank all those involved once again! The test-runs will be completed in all cities by the end of December, so that the tech team has enough time to provide an update of the applications before MICADO will be installed locally in the four cities.
Tags: Pilot, MICADO cities, test-run
Photo by İrfan Simsar on Unsplash