26 Mar MICADO work meeting in Antwerp: MVP features, review meeting and local visit
In the beginning of March 2020, right before the historical shutdowns in Europe and all around the world due to Covid-19, the MICADO consortium has met in Antwerp to discuss upcoming work and the first review meeting, which took place remotely on 5th March 2020. The issues tackled in Antwerp were synergies and avoiding duplication of work with the MICADO sister projects, communication and dissemination planning and activities, minimum viable product (MVP), and its upcoming development and piloting, milestones and local expert stakeholders committee activities and updates. Furthermore, the MICADO team worked together on a draft business model canvas for the MICADO MVP. Last, but not least, the team visited ATLAS Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen and received a special presentation from the local stakeholders.
In the first part of the meeting, the MICADO consortium tackled the special situation of Bologna in the context of the initiatives funded under the DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019 – Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions topic. As 2 of the 4 projects have partners and local piloting in Bologna, it is important to work together to not overwhelm the local stakeholders, to not repeat the same issues and to make sure the researchers’ and developers’ teams will be the most efficient in solving the needs of their target groups without burdening any target group with too much information or requirements gathering activities. This is ensured by working closely together with NADINE and its team.
The following important issue discussed by the consortium was the MICADO universal solution MVP. Following the convergence workshop, which took place in January in Hamburg, the team has done an overview of the final key features to be developed and piloted as well as the most important benefits of the MICADO universal solution for each of the target groups. The main MVP features are shown in the graph below, divided into the main MICADO elements: Cockpit and Dashboards. These features are currently under development and will begin piloting in the 4 MICADO cities in the last quarter of 2020, with the support of the local expert stakeholder committees.
After having finished the consortium meeting and the preparation for the review meeting, the MICADO team has visited ATLAS Integratie & Inburgering Antwerpen to follow a special presentation of a local solution for migrants’ integration, available in 12 languages.
The last day of the week spent in Belgium was dedicated to the yearly synergy meeting between the projects funded under DT-MIGRATION-06-2018-2019 – Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled solutions. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the meeting was canceled and later on held online in various sessions, focusing on different aspects of the projects. For the remote meetings, the consortia prepared with a presentation and an introductory video, which are all uploaded here.